
You are the

Free Workshop

Monday, May 20th at 6pm EST

You want to be loved, valued, and appreciated.

But you don’t really feel like you are.

You feel like you give more to others than you get back.
You’re more invested in the people you date than they are in you.

And if someone doesn’t like you- it feels like a challenge to win their love and attention.

You often find yourself giving up what you want for what other people want, saying yes when you mean no, most of the time without really realizing it.

And logically you know that you’re a good person. That you’re driven, attractive, interesting, and have a solid career.

But somehow- you still end up wondering whether people like you.
Whether people want you around. Whether you are ‘good’ enough.

Your search history is filled with questions like, “How to not care what people think” or “What to do when you feel someone start to pull away”

And you’re wondering how to prioritize yourself without feeling selfish.

How to actually love yourself and feel good.

But even with the perfectly calculated morning and evening routine…you haven’t been able to figure it out.

I think it’s time to change things up- don’t you?

Listen- you aren’t alone. I know we hear that a lot- but take it from someone who has coached people on relationships and self-love for years.

Society sets us up for us to feel like we aren’t good enough. To always be chasing the next thing and to prove that we are worthy. That we are valuable.

Capitalism gets off on us feeling bad about ourselves…

And I don’t know about you- but I’m a bit of a rebel.

I like to switch things up and I have found self-love and self-acceptance to be revolutionary.

Not only that- but when you love and accept yourself you actually get more of what you want.

When you own who you are you magnetize the people and opportunities you want!

When you love and advocate for yourself you stop settling for the bare minimum.

It’s not about being better than someone else.

It’s about being yourself.

Loving yourself.

Claiming what you want without feeling bad about it!

Because when you do this you feel better. The anxiety drops away. You stop chasing the people and things that aren’t actually for you. All the hours you spend questioning and worrying- you get those back!

And people love you for who you actually are.

It’s time to stop settling for less than you deserve and to start claiming that you are the prize.

Here’s what the workshop will look like…

I’m going to break down a simple process on how to love and accept yourself for who you are so that you can raise the quality of your relationships and life. Once you learn that process- we’ll sit down and get clear on what you actually want for yourself and claim it.

Workshop Details:
Monday, May 20th at 6 PM EST
(Replay sent out to anyone who can’t make it live).
Workbook included.
Free to join.

Let’s rock and roll!