It’s Nice To Meet You!

I’m Lucy,

An Empowerment & Relationship Coach!

Here to help people fall fiercely in love with themselves, heal heartbreak and toxic relationship patterns, and find the love of their dreams.

Ever since I can remember I have always been into personal development. I have a thirst for knowledge and a hunger for growth. This drive to make the most out of the life I have brought me so many gifts, but it also had some harmful side effects.

I was hard on myself. I developed an eating disorder when I was 15 years old and started to struggle with anxiety. I constantly compared myself to the people around me and found it hard to connect with others.

I was always looking for outside approval while beating myself up for not being good enough. So, I became a people pleaser who struggled with boundaries and had intense relationship anxiety.

When I went to college things started to turn around. I went to Oakland University for my Acting BFA- and that program pushed me further than any education experience I have ever had. During those four years, I learned how to communicate with people with my voice, my body, and my energy. I learned how to express myself and tap into my inner power in so many incredible ways.

I studied Linklater, Suzuki, and the alexander technique, connecting deeper to the instrument that was my physical body. I began practicing yoga, feeling at home in the sensation of the physical practice as well as the spiritual.

I developed mindfulness practices and was starting to live a more authentic lifestyle, living in alignment with my true self. I began letting go of my shadows around food and body image and felt a deeper connection back to my body than I had ever felt before.

Then I graduated. I graduated, and I got a “real” job, an office job. When I accepted the job, I knew it wasn’t right for me, but I took it because I thought that was what I was supposed to do. Graduate, get a job, go out on the weekends, find a partner, get married, and all the rest of it…that’s what I thought I was meant to do. That was what was normal and would make me happy. It didn’t.

I didn’t know what was wrong with me, why couldn’t I just suck it up like everyone else? I became the most depressed I have ever been. Anxiety came back full force. I barely slept, barely ate, drank far too much caffeine and alcohol, and settled for toxic relationships that were slowly eroding me.

Until one day I couldn’t do it anymore. I had enough, my body had enough, and I quit. I checked back in with myself as to what it was that I really wanted to do. I quit the job that snuffed out my spirit. I released the relationships that didn’t serve me.

I decided to step up and follow my heart. To start trusting and loving myself. To expand and release into my deep personal power.

I got my yoga teaching certification and that certification launched me into wellness. I became a fitness instructor, helping people transform their lives through exercise. That led me to health and wellness coaching, supporting people making behavioral changes in their lifestyle to advance their health.

This then led me to mindset and emotional intelligence coaching, supporting people to shift their mindset, limiting beliefs, and emotions so that they can live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Through my personal journey and various training, I have gained a lot of knowledge, and it is my desire to be of service to other people. I help people connect back to their true selves and form a life and relationships that light them up.