Foundations of Love


You deserve a loving partnership.

But you didn’t grow up seeing or experiencing healthy love.

You try to set boundaries but end up feeling guilty about them later. You try to share how you feel but often feel like you’re walking on eggshells so you keep it to yourself instead. You don’t quite know what to do in order to attract and maintain a partnership that is healthy, caring, and fulfilling.

This course is designed to give you the essential tools and insights to nurture (and KEEP) deep, lasting love.

Have you struggled with this?

  • You feel like you are smashing your career goals but you can’t seem to figure this whole “relationship” thing out. You’re starting to think something is wrong with you.

  • You want to open up to love again but you’re still struggling with the emotional baggage of the past. Every time someone gets close, you want to run away.

  • You’re finally with someone who feels like a really good fit for you, but you are afraid of self-sabotaging and messing it up. It feels like your first healthy relationship. You want it to go well, but you also feel a lot of pressure.

  • You know there are boundaries you want to set in your life, but you feel like you can’t. You’re afraid of getting into arguments with people, being made out to be the “bad guy”, or losing people you love.

  • You avoid confrontation. Whenever you hear the words, “Can we talk?” your body breaks out in hives. You don’t know how to handle it emotionally when someone has a problem and so you try your best to avoid it.

  • You feel resentful of people in your life. You try not to, you don’t want to feel this way, but you feel like you are kind of being taken advantage of in your relationships and you can feel yourself starting to snap.

  • You’ve had a series of hard, maybe even nasty, relationships lately. You don’t know what’s going wrong or how you keep picking, “the wrong people” but you have this nagging thought in the back of your mind that you are never going to find somebody.

I get it! I’ve been there.

I struggled with relationships for a very long time.

I grew up in a home where there was always an argument. Most nights that argument lasted until 2 am. I remember cracking open the garage door and trying to sense the energy in the house so that I could decide whether I was going to be heading straight up to my room or could grab a snack from the kitchen first. The only way that I learned how to communicate if I didn’t like something was by saying something passive-aggressive under my breath or getting into a shouting match. I had terrible relationship anxiety and avoided dating because I didn’t want to get “trapped” in a relationship with someone. I struggled to maintain close relationships with people and never quite felt like I fit in.

I really wanted to be liked and to feel loved, but I felt doomed in my relationships.

But then I had an epiphany. I had never learned the basics of having a good relationship with someone. No one ever taught me how to set a boundary. No one every taught me how to build trust. No one ever taught me how to communicate or connect with others.

This was something I could learn. This is something you can learn too!

Imagine in a matter of weeks you…

  • Feel at ease on dates because you know how to communicate and advocate for your needs and desires.

  • Trust yourself to be in a healthy relationship without the fear of getting in your own way and messing it up.

  • You feel calm and confident setting boundaries without guilt. Not only that- but your boundaries are respected!

  • You stop people pleasing to get people to like you and instead show up as fully yourself and get loved for who you ARE, not who you pretend to be or what you do for others.

  • You trust the person you are dating and you are able to open up and be intimate on a deep emotional level.

  • It’s easy for you to strike up a conversation by the chip bowl at a party. Instead of feeling anxious or awkward you feel confident and look forward to getting to know someone new.

  • You ask for what you want in your relationships- and get it!

  • Hard conversations don’t feel as hard. You are able to listen to someone tell you what’s not working for them and collaborate with them to find a solution that feels integrity for you but also honors the other person.

  • You know how to turn conflict into an opportunity to connect with someone and understand them better.

I want this for you.

Here’s how we get it.

Welcome to Foundations of Love. Over the next four weeks, we will go over the four pillars of healthy relationships.

Communication. Boundaries. Trust. Connection.

Four Pillars.png

Week One: Communication

  • How to master the art of communicating your thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires. We are always communicating, whether we know it or not, but we are not always consciously communicating.

  • How we communicate through verbal communication, body language, and written communication.

  • Common communication pitfalls and what leads to confusion in communication.

  • How to manage & resolve conflict, approach challenging conversations, and turn these moments of tension into moments of growth, connection, and understanding.

Week Two: Boundaries

  • How boundaries impact your well-being and relationships.

  • Get clear on what stops you from setting boundaries and how to overcome them.

  • How to recognize when a boundary needs to be set and get clear on what boundary you want to set.

  • How to set a boundary in a way that feels good to both you and the other person.

  • How to set boundaries with technology and social media.

Week Three: Trust

  • How your own self-trust impacts your relationships and how to build up self-trust.

  • Repair trust once it has been broken so that you can heal and move forward.

  • Establish trust in a relationship so that you can foster intimacy and connection.

  • Maintain trust in the modern-day world and how to communicate your trust to another person.

  • Let go of the past emotional baggage so that you can be close to someone and trust again.

  • How jealousy and fear of abandonment can sabotage trust.

Week Four: Connection

  • How connection is built in relationships.

  • Express yourself fully so that you can be seen, understood, and loved for who you truly are.

  • Common obstacles that hinder genuine connections such as fear of vulnerability or negative past experiences.

  • Ways to cultivate intimacy and emotional closeness so that you can foster deeper connection in your relationship.

  • Understand relationship dynamics and how to use them to shape meaningful relationships.

  • Empathize and understand others on a deeper level.

  • Different aspects of love and how it evolves throughout a relationship.

  • How to nurture intimacy emotionally, intellectually, and physically .

  • How to use love language to enhance your relationships.

  • How to know if you have compatibility in a relationship.

 What you can expect:

4 Video Modules

to learn tools and techniques designed to help you have strong relationships.

Journaling prompts and worksheets

so that you can really integrate this information into your life and go down your own path of personal discovery surrounding relationships.

 Investment in yourself




When does it start?

We start August 14th, 2023.

Who can join this program?

Everyone is welcome to this program! Please understand that hate speech or bullying of any kind is not tolerated, including but not limited to, hate speech that is racist, homophobic, transphobic, classist, sexist, or fatphobic. If someone exhibits this behavior they will be excused from the program.

I really want to do this but money is tight for me right now, what should I do?

I do offer payment plans, send me an email at If you are feeling called to do this program there is probably a reason for it. Ask yourself the question, if it wasn’t for the money, would I do this? Trust yourself, trust your intuition. I’m happy to work something out with you, and also, I want you to feel empowered to find your own way to make this program work in your life.

I have so much going on in my life right now, I don’t know how I will find the time. What would you suggest?

Though this course can be done as a self-study later on your own, I know deeply from my own life and working with clients that when you really want to do something, you will create the time and make it a priority. I will show up fully for you in this experience and offer a high level of accountability. At the end of the day, you will get out of this program the time and energy you put into this program.

Can you guarantee results?

This program has the ability to change your life, but you have to be willing to step into that possibility. Everyone who enters my programs comes from a different background with different experiences. There are too many variables for me to guarantee that anyone could get a specific result.

Do you offer refunds?

Due to the nature of this program, there are no refunds. I am committed to showing up and helping you get results in your relationships. If you have any concerns before entering the program please email me at I'll answer your questions and provide the information for you to make an empowered decision.